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Vine & Fig Tree
Social Apologetics
A Pacifist for Congress
An Anarchist for Congress
More Bible Verses about Pacifism
A Biblical Defense of Pacifism
Blessed Are the Peacemakers
Swords Into Plowshares
The Sixth Commandment
Vengeance Belongs to God, Not to Man
Capital Punishment
What Would You Do If . . . ?
No "Holy Wars" in Our Day
Holy War
Holy War: Devoted to Destruction
God Sends Evil: Romans 13 and the Christian Anarchist
Revelation 13, Isaiah 13
A Theonomic Critique of Logic
Apologetics Without Aristotle
Death by Government
Thesis 54: War, Capital Punishment, and “The Sword”
Personal Peace and Affluence
A City upon a Hill
Benjamin Rush Quote
On Building the Kingdom
Does Jesus Command His Followers to Take Up a Sword? (Luke 22)
Vine & Fig Tree
Obama and Romney spent over a BILLION dollars on their 2012 campaign. America moved not one iota closer to the peaceful ideal of Micah 4.
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