Marketing Club Samples

Some Marketing Club Samples

Below are some samples from the Fast Track Marketing Club. You are free to listen to or download the material on this page. They will give you a pretty good idea of the information contained in the Club. The samples include two Expert Interviews, Two Coaching Calls and two Articles.  

Expert Interviews

Alan Weiss on Value Pricing

Alan Weiss is one of the top consultants in the world and author of the book, "Million Dollar Consulting." In this interview, Alan shares the essence of his system of value pricing professional services. This interview is one of the most popular in the Marketing Club. 

Listen to Recording - 78 mins.

Transcription Pdf: The Secrets of Value Pricing

Denise Clancey on The Art and Sciene of Telephone Follow-Up

One of the biggest challenges of effective marketing is using the phone to follow-up with prospective clients. What do you say? How do you follow-up without turning people off? How do you make this one of your most powerful marketing tools? Many have told me that this is one of the most useful, hands-on Expert Interviews in the Club.

Listen to Recording:  - 79 mins.

Part II - 29 mins.

Transcription Pdf: The Art and Science of Telephone Follow-Up

Coaching Calls

The "Strategy Session" Presentation

A Selling Conversation consists of an interview and a presentation. It this session we do an in-depth role play with someone doing the presentation part of a strategy session. We go through every single step of the sales presentation process in great detail, coaching on how to move a prospect closer to being a paying client. 

Listen  - 90 mins.

Create an Audio Logo with a "Hook"

Your Audio Logo is one of your most important marketing tools.  The purpose of an Audio Logo is to grab the attention of a potential client and initiate a conversation about your services. What you say and how you say it are essential. In this teleclass we work with four professionals on fine tuning their audio logo and show them how to add a "hook" to their message guaranteed to command immediate attention and interest. Listening to this you will have some big ah-has about how to get your message across with simplicity and impact. 

Listen - 81 mins.


The Most Powerful Marketing Strategy

This article, written many years ago, is still as applicable today. It shares the marketing strategy of consultant, speaker and author Ancrea Nierenberg on the most powerful and effective marketing strategy she's ever used. You'll probably be surpirsed by what it is but it will give you a step-by-step plan for implementing it in your business. 

Link: The Most Powerful Marketing Strategy

Overcoming Underearning and The Fear of Rejection

One of the biggest issues every Independent Professionals face is underearning - not attracting enough clients and making enough money for security and professional success. And much of underearning is driven by the fear of rejection. This article explores both of these topics and offers practical, hands on advice on how to get past both of them

Link: Overcoming Underearning and the Fear of Rejection

To learn more about what's included in the Marketing Club, click on the link below

Learn more about the Marketing Club here