When A Nation Forgets God

When A Nation Forgets God #1 of 2
from Lutzer - Running to Win
Only a few remember the horrors of Nazi Germany. History has a way of re-writing itself to hide bad memories. Germany struggled through economic ruin in the decade of the 1930's. America may be moving in the same direction. Germany listened to a man who promised a way out to a new era of national greatness. This man who promised hope instead started a World War. What happens if we, too, forget God?
Original audio source (when-a-nation-forgets-god-1-of-2-201308.mp3)

When A Nation Forgets God #2 of 2
from Lutzer - Running to Win
Tyranny sets in fast when a nation's leaders stop acknowledging their accountability to a higher power. As the U.S. government decides which laws to enforce, we end up with laws that contravene not just the Constitution, but common sense. Today we will look at why America is fast approaching the cliff of despotism, while freedom is extinguished by those in power.
Original audio source (when-a-nation-forgets-god-2-of-2-201312.mp3)